What's New! at Teds Tech Site
-= What's New =-
Want to get to this site quickly? go to:
"www.google.com" and enter "techurls" and click "I'm feeling Lucky"
(Even with Billion's of pages, were still
in 1st place!)
06/10/07 - Savant and my BIO are updated.
We've moved !!
Also, weather changed from Watsonville, CA to Fairfield, CA.
01/12/03 - Under "Handy Tools", my link to "Stuff that drvies you nuts!"
has a Major change. I NO LOONGER support Ad- aware!!!
Read why!
01/09/03 - At the top of "Microshaft" page, for the link to
"Knowledgebase" I have added a lot of "info", if you will,
on information to repair "Outlook", the sorriest email
reader that has ever been made!! :(
12/26/02 - PopUp Killer changed to PopUp Stopper.
12/24/02 - You will notice that some of the links on the "MS" page
have a "YELLOW" Cell; this means NON
MS support site!
Also, since we don't get snow here on the coast,
thought I'd add a little to the main page.
12/11/02 - Microsoft page now has a small Icon for MS links,
and a larger Icon for other sites that have support for MS stuff.
12/08/02 - Finally have all, (for the time being), links fixed on the
page, (at the top), of "Microsoft" page.
12/07/02 - Microshaft is once again "messing" with everyone's head!
Under "Microsoft" - "KnowledgeBase", (at the top), I fixed the
that had a link for "Removing Office2000 CD1 & CD2" from your
12/05/02- Welcome my new Affiliate 'BTVillarin' on the "TSS" page!
Bryan has answers to many PC questions; as well as product info.
12/01/02 - New photo from Hawaii trip added
11/30/02 - ** Reverse the order of this page,
with new info at the top! **
In the "Handy Tools" section, you
will find a NEW
link to a chart: DEC to HEX to ASCII to CTRL KEY.
Also, RS232 Pinout & Direction.
NEW "TSS" page,
CPU Socket info and File System Structure.
Modified the "DEBUG" page off of "Handy Tools"
11/29/02 - Under "Microsoft" - "KnowledgeBase", (at the top), I
have removed ALL of the "Q's" to comply with their new standard.
11/17/02 - Some of Tripods code ended up in my "Linux" page,
causing PopUps' -- FIXED!!
11/14/02 - Off of the "Microsoft" page, at the top, I have added a
huge collection of link's to my "Knowledge Base" page
11/02/02 - My "Stuff that drives you Nuts!" page, has finally been
grouped-up for your convience. Took me a long time to get
to this!
10/18/2002 - Big News!
10/16/02 - Updated the main image on the main page from our Cruise to Hawaii 2002
08/30/02 - More link repairs to the stink'n "Microsoft" page! eghh!!
More useful links on my "Knowledgebase" page. (very handy "Q's")
08/22/02 - Remove the code for music on the main page.
Updated links at the "Novell" page
08/02/02 - More neat links on the "Linux" page. Checkout 'Tek-Tips'
at the top
of page "TSS". Very usefull for IT types! At the top
of my "Microsoft" page,
click on my "Knowldgebase" link, and at the bottom you will see
some new
info on how to repair Outlook! The #1 pain in email!!
06/07/02 - New opening *gripe* screen. Tired of people stealing my links,
email that is sent to magzines or e-zines! :(
05/29/02 - My contact Email addr. has been changed...please take note!
05/11/02 - 'NEW' A+ Certification Test...find on page "TSS".
04/12/02 - Added 3 new .REG patch's to the File Page under "Handy Tools".
03/14/02 - More links added to the "Linux" page and the "PDA" page.
03/11/02 - See "Savant" page - We now have the capacity to Clone/Upgrade
Laptop Hard Drives!
We also have the tools to Upgrade the Hard Drive of TiVo's.
The "Microsoft" page has some NEW links to Windows XP stuff.
03/04/02 - Biggest news is the amount of info. I have added to the "Linux"
page. Also, a number
of fixes/additions to the "microsoft" page. Plus, some good
info. can be found at the "Novell"
page that now includes links to a page that will show you the 1st
6-digits to a NIC card,
and who the manufacture is. I discovered this when a Server
kept "blasting" a NIC number
that I did not know what device it was telling me had a problem.
I am now a Beta tester for Lindows, so I will keep you posted
on what is going on their.
01/02/02 - Many broken/updated links to the "DOS" page fixed.
I found a great site that has updates
"by the minute!" Go to "HTools" - "DOWNLOAD Center" page and click
on "VersionTracker".
You will also find this same link for PDA's at the "PDA's"
12/24/01 - On the "About" page, I have added a download so you can have a .BMP for your PC of my site.
12/17/01 - Many new links, expecially at the "Linux" page.
We are also please to say that with 2.07+ Billion pages at Google.com,
we are still on top.
11/25/01 [late] - The main page will now fit inside of your screen,
the text-rollover now blends-in with the screen.
11/25/01 [early] - You can now Click on the Picure located on the main
and it will give you information about the picture!
11/24/01 - Many new links, especially in the "Linux" page, "Nerdnews"
and "HTools".
Also, I have started to Hi-lighting some of the links so they will
As usuall, Microsoft is playing the "link" game, so I have to continually
check these. :(
Starting with this update, I will change the main-page picture
from time-to-time, and show you the
beautiful cost we live on. Soon, these pictures will be available
on CD for you to purchase!
11/18/01 - Many new links in the "Linux" and "NerdNews" sections.
This may seem "DUMB", but I was asked to add a "New Year" counter.
DONE!! It's in the "About" page.
10/14/01 - Welcome "UtilityGeek" Web site
in "Handy Tools"
See "infoAnarchy" in my "Nerd News" page! Got'ta
see this!!
10/08/01 - Good news! The main-page graphics have been shrunk- down
in size. Faster Loads!!
* Also, a new look for the Fall! *
10/06/01 - New links on "Novell" page, especially the NDS HOWTO fixes!
10/02/01 - MORE .REG files and Key additions for the Registry.
08/27/01 - Change the URL to the Netscape link at the bottom of the
main page.
Now it points to ALL versions, rather then v6.1 ONLY!
The Linux page now has a link to PERL.COM
08/18/01 - New and Updated links in the Microsoft Section.
New links on "Nerd-News" Page; and DON'T forget to checkout "Project
to Promote Competition"!
(watch out, Microsoft)
On the Linux page, check out *linuxnewbie*...wanna learn Linux?
08/02/01 - One of my users complained about the music, so I set the default to OFF.
07/18/01 - OK, OK...for you "wy'nee" I.E. people, I ADDED code so everthing
will be in-line now!
[ Many thanks to Dave at: MyComputerFixer.com for his
input on this! ]
We have a whole new look!
as of: 07/14/2001
07/12/01 - Added a new page at "Handy Tools" that will display a very complete "Color Chart"!
07/11/02 - This site was giving inaccurate weather readings for our area, so we are pointing to another town!
** 05/01/01 - Link's have been checked, and modified or deleted **
04/29/01 - Welcome! A number of the Newsletter writers!
These can be found under "NerdNews - Techy Reads"
Also checkout Karen Kenworthy's site of utilities under "Handy Tools"
(Her site is now at the top of the page; well almost!)
04/17/01 - See what has been added to my "Microsoft
Knowledge Base" page
NEW: "Desktop Shortcuts" at "Download Center" off of "Handy Tools" page!
02/16/01 - On Feb 16, 2001 "NBCi" named us as a "Top Site", Thanks, NBC!
02/17/00 - Got a problem? Look at "Stuff that drives you Nuts!" in "Handy Tools" Section
02/07/00 - NEW:
wherever you see a link in "BLUE", it is one
of my own concepts...
More site's on the way...
![]() You may use the above Logo for a link from your site to mine. and use: http://techurls.tripod.com this will eventually be changed to: http://techurls.imdown.ws |
Copyright © 2000-2009 Ted J. Mieske
All Rights Reserved.